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Leverage one of the largest bases of public and proprietary information available on the market today. Accurint® for Legal Professionals gives you access to over 84 billion public records from over 10,000 diverse sources, comprising public, private, regulated, emerging and derived data.

Find vast amounts of linked information in seconds rather than searching for hours or paying an outside investigator to gather information or locate a person. Even fragmentary data can return results.

Draw from our immense identity repository:

  • 21.3 billion consumer records
  • 11.3 billion name/address combinations
  • 637.3 million criminal records
  • 330 million unique cell phone numbers
  • 6.6 billion vehicle registrations
  • 6.5 billion personal property records

Dig deeper into connections between individuals and businesses, including business addresses, phone numbers and possible dates of employment.

Pinpoint information on millions of businesses quickly, with access to such information as active and inactive records of incorporation, pending filings and DBAs.

Confirm the existence of a variety of different assets, such as real property, motor vehicles and FAA aircraft.


Let’s get started

To start locating the people and businesses you need, complete the form below or call 1-888-AT-LEXIS.

LexisNexis, a division of RELX Inc., may contact you in your professional capacity with information about our other products, services and events that we believe may be of interest. You can manage your communication preferences via our Preference Center. You can learn more about how we handle your personal data and your rights by reviewing our Privacy Policy.